Is there a way to upgrade the apple iBook2 (500) serial modem to v.92??
I could not find anything about it on google.

 Dont't know either. Are you shure the internel Apple modem has the v.92
capabillitiy already bild in?
The downloadspeed is higher, but the upload slower (the max bandwith is the same as in v.90). Some Internetprovider (t-online for example) don't support v.92. Here my AT-init-stings (copyied from maX/Library/Modem Scripts/... and mac9/System/systemextension/Modem Scripts/...)
v.34 apple macX AT&FL3E0Q0V1X4&C1&K3S95=0&D2S7=75S0=0W2+MS=V34,1,2400,33600\13
v.34 apple mac9         
v.90 apple macX         

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