On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 05:14:36PM +0200, David Campillos wrote:
> Hello again!
> My machine: PPC 9600/350
> My problem: it breathes with any problem
> I am trying to set the parameters in order to boot the correct kernel
> image. As some list members wrote, I am using the nvsetenv command.
> This is the configuration set by me with nvsetenv command:
> little-indian?    false
> real-mode?            false
> auto-boot?            false
> diag-switch?          false
> fcode-debug?          false
> oem-banner?           false
> oem-logo?     false
> use-nvramrc?          false
> real-base     0xffffffff
> real-size     0x100000
> virt-base     0xffffffff
> virt-size     0x100000
> load-base     0x4000
> pci-probe-list    0xffffffff
> screen-#columns       0x64
> screen-#rows          0x28
> selftest-#megs    0x0
> boot-device           scsi/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0
> boot-file     /boot/vmlinux-2.2.19-pmac   // I think it is the correct
> name
> diag-service          fd:diags
> diag-file
> input-device          kbd
> output-device         /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATY,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> oem-banner
> oem-logo
> nvramrc
> boot-command          boot

Assuming quik was installed with a quik.conf, try setting
boot-file to Linux (the default image name) or just typing
in Linux at the boot: prompt. But maybe you don't even get
the boot prompt.


Chris Tillman
- Linux Rox -

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