(Bafter a recent power outage my 8500 will has been acting a little strange.
(Bnormally a `shutdown -r now` command would bring down all services,
(Bunmount the FS, and reboot the machine.
(Bhowever, it now prompts me with "Give root password for maintenance (or
(Btype control-D for normal startup)"
(Btyping 'control-D' does nothing, giving the root password dumps me into
(B(what appears to be) single user mode. from there i am able to issue the
(B'halt' command, and then perform a hard reset.
(Bhere is where the biggest problem -- when i boot the machine back up it
(Btells me that the FS was not cleanly unmounted and performs a check.
(Bis there anything i can do to get my machine to perform a `shutdown -r
(Bnow` command correctly?
(Bthanks in advance,

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