Le mar 17/06/2003 à 10:44, Sven Luther a écrit :

> >     Do you think it production-stable for a server?

Don't know about the Pegasos, but the AmigaOne has and is being fairly
rigourously tested as a server : Samba, web, mail etc, all apps which
Sven accurately points out as being perfectly happy without Altivec.

> Well, a G3 altough somewhat slower than a G4 would be much more energy
> efficient, and you don't really need the FPU or Altivec units, which are
> the G4 two advantages.

Just to add to this, the G4 does have one disadvantage: it runs hotter,
therefore requires more cooling and is noisier as a result.

> They will survive, at least the chances are greater for Genesi to
> survive than for Amiga.

Tssst tssst, what were you saying about FUD? (I'd still like to see
the Pegasos II tested for a while before recommending one for a server.
Elementary prudence). Amiga do not market the
AmigaOne, the name is merely licensed by MAI's European importer,
Eyetech. They likewise have nothing to do with whether it sinks or
swims, and even if Amiga Inc goes bankrupt tonight the AmigaOne will
still be there intact.

And I'll still be selling them :-p
Rose Humphrey
SARL Amont Informatique http://www.amont-info.com
Z.I. d'Estarac

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