good news is -- printer now produces pages, though they tend to be
interrupted mid-page and garbled a little bit.

I found a suspicious message in /var/log/cups/error_log:

D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:00 -0400] ReadClient() 2 GET /printers/hplaser HTTP/1.1
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:00 -0400] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - 
PID = 1315
I [24/Jun/2003:12:10:00 -0400] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" 
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:00 -0400] SendCommand() 2 file=7
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:01 -0400] AcceptClient() 6 from matts-mac:631.
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:01 -0400] ReadClient() 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
...snip ...

D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob(9, 10050d18)
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob() id = 9, file = 0/1
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] job-sheets=none,none
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] banner_page = 0
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: argv = "hplaser","9","","Test 
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: envp = 
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: statusfds = 9, 10
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: filterfds[1] = 11, -1
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: filterfds[0] = 12, 13
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 
7ffea1e8, 7ffeed08, 11, 13, 10)
I [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 
1317) for job 9.
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: filter = 
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: filterfds[1] = 11, 14
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] 
start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 7ffea1e8, 7ffeed08, 12, 14, 
I [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip 
(PID 1318) for job 9.
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb"
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] StartJob: filterfds[0] = -1, 12
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb", 
7ffea1e8, 7ffeed08, 11, 12, 10)

---what's this error?! -------
E [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] PID 1318 stopped with status 22!
I [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 
1319) for job 9.
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] Page = 612x792; 0,0 to 612,792

---- something missing? ------
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip: No such file 
or directory
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] 0 %%EOF
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] Saw EOF!
D [24/Jun/2003:12:10:04 -0400] CloseClient() 6

so, seemed like we needed foomatic-rip, which wasn't installed... so I
installed every package with the name "foomatic" in the title, and now
it's printing!

Unfortunately, it's NOT printing perfectly.  there seems to be some
kind of package incompatibility in sid, though, so I may try to use
testing packages for now.

meanwhile, you've raised a couple more questions for me...

> well, the next thing I have is maybe the printer is not enabled? (accepting
> print jobs but not printing)
> did you already try 
> /usr/sbin/enable /dev/usb/lp0 

... /usr/sbin/enable isn't installed, and I didn't find it in the
debian package file search.  what does it do?

> you can also try 
> /usr/sbin/accept /dev/usb/lp0

.. this does exist, but returns the following:
matts-mac:~# /usr/sbin/accept /dev/usb/lp0
accept: Operation failed: client-error-not-found
> I am just reaching here but you can also try setting it as the default
> printer (although I don't think this would be necessary)
> /usr/sbin/lpadmin -d /dev/usb/lp0

I think it's already set as default...  

hey, thanks for the help!!

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