I found this description on 

Apple Valkyrie Video (valkyriefb) 

The video chip in the Performa 6400 and the PowerMacintosh 6400/6500 is 
codename Valkyrie. It is an internal Apple chip, the only acceleration 
possible for it is from the valkyrie frame buffer driver. Linux should 
automatically detect it, if not put 
append="video=controlfb:vmode:17:cmode:16" in quik.conf or BootX's more 
kernel arguments (without the quotes or the append=). 

Seems to be contradictory, but it's something else to try to get XFree86 


On Tuesday 22 July 2003 7:45, Frank Murphy wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 July 2003 4:48, Steven Schlansker wrote:
> > Kernel options?  Where do I set those?
> > I set the video driver to the framebuffer one (fbdev I think) but it
> > doesn't work. (in the real XFree86 that is) - I'll try to set the
> > video=valkyriefb as soon as someone tells me where I set the kernel
> > options.  Thanks.
> In the boot loader config. I assume that you are using bootX or quik to
> boot, but I use yaboot. Try `man quik` or /usr/share/doc/bootx/README to
> learn how do do it. (Or someone here who uses your bootloader could help,
> too.)
> If your system can use yaboot, then look in /etc/yaboot.conf. You should
> see a stanza like this:
> image=/vmlinux
>         label=Linux
>         read-write
> Copy it to make an experimental entry like this:
> image=/vmlinux
>         label=Linux-experiment
>         append = "video=valkyriefb"
>         read-write
> Then run `ybin` as root to copy this file to the boot disk.
> Then on boot, on the second prompt, press the <tab> key, and you should see
> a list of entries Linux and Linux-experiment. Try Linux-experiment and see
> if Xfree will work with the fbdev.
> On other bootloaders, the idea will be similar.
> Frank

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