On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Thomas Otto wrote:

> > Maybe also have a look at
> > http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/keycodes.{de.,}html
> Thanks for the hint: I already found this in english before my first posting 
> ...
> didn't help very much, except that I knew after reading what I have on my

I should have better been writing: "didn't help me very much"  ...

In the meantime I found this:

-------------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard

     Debian is distributed with keymaps for nearly two dozen keyboards.  In
     Woody, reconfigure the keyboard by:
        * `dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low console-data # console'
        * `dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low xserver-xfree86 # XF4'
        * `dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low xserver-common-v3 # XF3'


Good documentation? Don't know.
Too late now for testing it. I'll try this perhaps tomorrow.


> machine. And in this respect this page seems to be very useful ...
> Thanks again.
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