On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 15:06, Andreas Wüst wrote:
> Which version did you try? I have used 0.23 and 0.24 quite a lot
> (without the garbage collector though), and have NEVER experienced any
> crash of mint.

0.25 and 0.26 pre releases.  Only about 50% of the gtk-sharp demos
worked, as an example of what didn't work.

> And mint worked at reasonable speed for me.. (ok, I didn't do that heavy
> stuff). Only multithreading wasn't that fast, mint needed a good amount
> of time to set up the individual threads.

I was using a threaded program.

> Or just go to http://go-mono.org download and compile the
> package for yourself.

That's what I was doing :)

-- Edd

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