On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 [00:12],
    J. Javier Maestro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> On Aug Wed 20 2003 15:15, David Röhr wrote:
> > Is there a way to get the iSight camera working on Linux? Or maybe
> > something in the process?
> I wonder too!! :-) Nice little piece of hardware... I checked yesterday
> apple's website and got enchanted by that thing!! If you get anything
> about that camera, please post it here, coz I for one would love to
> hear/read about it!
> Now, someone with that camera, time and knowledge could try the kernel
> drivers [IEC61883-6 (Audio transmission) support and OHCI-1394 Video
> support], that assuming Apple is following that standard (IEC61883-6).
> It would be _GREAT_ if that camera works in our wonderfull linuxes |-)

I have read that WindowsXP users got it working, but now sound. If the
camera works in XP it should use some kind of standards? And _should_
work in Linux, but would be nice to see someone thats already using it

> > Is there realy a good reason why I should get a apple Airport station?
> > There are alot of 802.11d-radio stations that are _alot_ cheaper that
> > the airport station. So does it realy have to be an airport station when
> > having an airport card in the ibook? More trouble to get stuff working
> > on a diffrent station than an airport?
> I heard/read you can run linux in that flying saucer 8-)  but... I think
> you can also run linux in other wireless stations... they don't look as
> cool as the Airport one, but hey... money is always an issue!

Well. I don't see a point of paying more than twice the money for a
"nice" looking airport station. The station is just going to be in the
closet either way <: I just wanted to know if there is realy any
diffrence between the Apple Airport station and normal stations? Except
the cost.

> About the trouble part... as far as I understand wireless, the station
> is just another router, but capable of connecting wireless devices.
> Thus, with a different station, the setting up part for a wireless card
> in the laptop remains the same, and the rest should be explained in the
> manual of the wireless station, shoudn't it? :-)

Thats how I see it too, just thought it be strange when I saw the price
of the airport stations.


... david röhr              |      o_
.. unix systems consultant  | o/  /\   Solaris, AIX, HP-UX
. qbranch system management | /|_, \\   and GNU/Linux Certified.
        www.qbranch.se        /                    

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