On Sat, 6 Sep 2003, SpawnPPC wrote:

[ I've cut the general users list ]
> Dear Debian(PPC) user's,
> I'm Emanuele, from Italy.
> I have a great AmigaONE computer with DebianPPC Sid (unstable) version.
> Today I have installed, with apt-get all latest updates, but, when the
> computer reset and inizialize the system, it lockup at this point:
> Setting Up General Console Font
> How I can restore my system and correct this error?
 Depends what resources you've got.  I'm not over-familiar with the way
the boot scripts are organised, but it sounds like it's running
something here that you need to comment out.

 If you've got another linux installation on it, you could boot that,
mount the debian root filesystem, and edit the script (note this will
probably force an fsck on the next debian boot, because the system time
is not set correctly when the rootfs is mounted.  At a guess, rename the
symlink to the script to load the font, so that it is not found, e.g. by
adding '.bak' to the end of the name.

 If you haven't got another bootable linux system on it, you could use
another machine to download my bzip2'd rescue cd image and burn it to a
CD, then boot with that, mount the debian rootfs, and edit the script(s)
with vi - or use it to load backups from CD or via scp if you have them.
It's a 14MB download at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/zarniwhoop - get
versiion 005, not 003.

 Or, wait to see if somebody else here has an easier way.

> Please help me!!!
> Bye and good work.
> Emanuele.
> P.S.: Excuse me for my bad english.

 No need, your English looks good.  If you find out what is causing the
problem I'd be interested - at the moment my A1 gives me an 80x30
display instead of the expected 128x48, so I guess there is a problem in
the font area.

 Peace, love, linux

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