On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 09:27:31AM -0400, Kevin.Hendricks wrote:
> Hi,
> Actually, I can make an OOo 1.1 RC5 ppc Linux available for Debian 
> users if someone wants one.  I was hoping to wait until it becomes OOo 
> 1.1 final and then release it to the YDL mirrors, but if someone has 
> some disk space I can sftp/ftp it to, I would be happy to post RC5 for 
> Debian ppc Linux users by uploading it tonight so that it is ready by 
> tomorrow.
> Kevin

Hi Kevin, 

Haven't been reading this thread, so maybe you don't need this
anymore; but I have space and bandwidth if you're still up for it.
The machine I'd put it on is my workstation, so it's not totally
optimized for webserving; but it should be able to handle moderate
load, especially if folks try to time their access during non-working

easiest thing for me would be to set you up with an account on the machine, 
write me back...


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