On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 07:12:26PM -0700, Zach Archer wrote:
> Hi. I started receiving a whole lot of spam last night, shortly after 
> subscribing and posting to this newsgroup for the first time. I'm not 
> sure which brand of net-annoyant it is, but I'm receiving a lot of 
> messages with big .exe files attached (funny that I can't open these 
> in my macintosh household)
> A lot of these say things like "New critical update" from "Microsoft" 
> (obviously neither is true)
> http://www.microsoft.com/security/antivirus/authenticate_mail.asp for info
> I'm hoping one of you can take corrective action to kill this virus, 
> because my mailbox filled to capacity today and started bouncing 
> messages back to people >:(

I got sick of this too, and installed a little perl script 
called popfilter, from web.iscali.it . It took a little while
to get going, but does the job nicely. The nice thing is you
don't have to download the message (with the damn attachment), 
it deletes remotely.

Here's a .email_blacklist I've used to get most of these bastards:

20031001 =>Microsoft<= =>.
20031001 =>Client<= =>.
20031001 =>User<= =>.
20031001 =>Partner<= =>.
20031001 =>Consumer<= =>.
20031001 =>Customer<= =>.
20031001 =>.<= =>Internet
20031001 =>.<= =>Critical
20031001 =>.<= =>Security
20031001 =>.<= =>Microsoft

I'm planning to set this up in a cron job, because otherwise my
mailbox fills up as you said. I also gave my ISP an earfull for
not affering any server side solutions.

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
  By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
   toff one at cox dot net

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