> > Well, since I track that tree anyway, I set up a mirror at
> > rsync.theorie.physik.uni-muenchen.de::benh/, which I hope to keep
> > current in a timely manner [1].  Ben, please let me know whether you
> > approve of this in general and whether the name is okay in particular.
> > Everybody else, please let me know whether you find this useful.
> I do, assuming the sources.mvista.com mirror doesn't get fixed. Some

Seconded. linuxppc-2.5 works fine enough on the Lombard but rivafb seems
broken on imac2.

> nits: Could you change the name from benh to linuxppc-2.5-benh to match
> the BK tree and other mirror(s), and could you exclude BK stuff
> (BitKeeper/ and SCCS/ directories AFAICT)?

I see the tree is at linux-2.5-benh now. Fair enough :-)


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