Hi Mike,
First my apologies for answering a bit late.

Sorry, Mike, if you already know the following: I simply posted it
just in case someone else, too, (including myself sooner or later :)
might want to read this when searching Google ... :)

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Michael Lake wrote:

> Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > This is just a warning message for those having a Mac OS X and Linux
> > install on the same machine.
> ....
> > Yesterday I installed the Mac OS X 10.2.8 upgrade to the machine
> > above: After this, I couldn't boot again to my default kernel which at
> > this time was 2.4.21-ben2 (I had compiled this kernel on the machine
> > above).
> Subject: Linux does not boot after a MacOSX upgrade
> From: Mike Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
> Date: Tue Sep 23
> I got bitten. Unfortunately there didnt seem to be anyone else at the
> time that had that problem and after a week I had to completely
> reinstall as I didnt have another, older kernel. Im glad that you were
> able to recover from it.

I think (I'm still a Debian beginner, so I can only guess) there's
perhaps a possibility to rescue a system even if you don't have a
working kernel on your system. My idea would be to mount the
non-booting Debian partition with a Debian Installer CD and then
chroot into this Debian system and get yourself a new kernel via
'apt-get install <some fresh kernel>' (And yes: one needs an open
Internet connection for this to work).

Let me detail this. The following is no guessing: I actually used this
procedure to make changes to my, at this time, non-booting Debian
system after the Mac OS X update some days ago. I didn't actually
install a new kernel but simply ran 'ybin -v', and, at some other
point of all this trouble, removed cupsys out of the way for the boot
sequence in the non-booting Linux Debian system.

First the procedure as I ran it some days ago to rescue my system:

1: With the first Debian Install CD (3.0 r1, PowerPc, Binary 1,
   Non-Us) in the Powerbook, when booting the machine I held down the
   'c' key for some seconds.

2: I was thrown into the Debian Installer Menu with some options
   being presented on how to proceed: I chose:

3: I went ahead up to the point where I had chosen a keyboard
   layout the installer presented to me.

4: I pressed <ALT>-<fn> <F2>

   (<ALT> <fn> consecutively or pressed together: I don't remember
   that ...) This way I had a console for the following.

5: I mounted the root partition of the installed system:
   mount /dev/hdaX /mnt
   (X is for the number of my / partition)

6: Then:
   mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc
   (I'm not sure whether this last command is really necessary .. I
   simply did it to be sure this stuff is mounted in case the system
   needs it for the following ... :)

7: chroot mnt /usr/sbin/ybin -v
   IIRC: It's important to leave away the slashes around mnt.

8: Unmounting the partitions:
   umount /mnt/proc
   umount /mnt

9: Entering:

And that's it.

The important point is #7: chroot seems be a tool which lets me run
programs, tools already installed into a "rescue-mounted" system that
doesn't boot anymore. So it might (should?) be possible to install
even a new kernel with

chroot mnt /usr/bin/apt-get install <some-kernel>

provided, as I wrote, one has the possibility to open an Internet
connection in this situation.

I didn't actually test a kernel install under these circumstances so
far: But sooner or later I probably will run into a situation where I
don't have another chance than trying this ...  :)

Best Regards,

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