On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, David Friggens wrote:

> > 1. How do I get my software modem working?
> Since it's a software modem you need a driver for it. Luckily there is a
> binary driver for it - http://www.linuxant.com/drivers
> A word of warning though - it's not 100% stable. It's generally OK but
> it doesn't play well with sleep. Make sure you disconnect and run
> hcfusbstop before sleeping (I've got that in /etc/power/pwrctl-local).

Thanks. I found out when my kernel OOPSed :)

I've been trying to dial in, but my connections are rather poor. The
Ascend routers keep on dropping me, and pppd dies with exit code error 16
messages really quickly.

Have e-mailed them at linuxant.com.

> > wvdialconf doesn't pick it up :( neither does kppp.
> wvdial and kppp will be fine once you have the driver working (though
> wvdialconf won't pick it up).

Funny. For me, wvdial picked it up, KPPP gives me Error 1 from pppd?

> > 2. How do I drive the external display? I've got an ATI Radeon Mobility
> > 7500. I don't want it to be split screen or anything, I just need the
> > exact laptop screen output displayed on an external screen (for
> > presentations, et al).
> I haven't attempted this yet. I think maybe it's possible on a monitor
> but not to TV. I seem to remember something of the sort on this list a
> while back - you could check the archives.

Yes, monitor is that I want. Because the cable that Apple provides allows
for that. Monitor, LCD projector, et al.

A friend got his working on a M3 recently - well, just last night thanks
to IRC I guess. He used a kernel patch and the m3mirror tool. Haven't
tried it yet on mine.


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