On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 08:54:44 -0500
Russell Hires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using the generic kernel.org 2.6.0-test9 kernel, and while I can get 
> sound 
> by playing mp3's through XMMS, I don't get my termbell on my gnome terminal, 
> nor do I get sound with some of my games (like galaga)...I could get all of 
> these sounds with my lowly 2.2.22 kernel. What are the options that I need to 
> include w/ my compilation that will accomplish this?

Did you enable OSS emulation?  Kernel 2.6.0 uses a different sound system, 
ALSA.  It can emulate the old Linux system (OSS), but you might need to
specially enable that in the kernel.  I know that OSS emulation is handled via
special modules, for you might merely need to insert those modules.

See http://alsa-project.org for more info.

- Graham

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