> > the kernel barfs sometime after rivafb init. xmon output goes to serial
> > which is utterly pointless on a flat panel iMac
> Tried forcing use_screen to 1 in xmon ? if that doesn't work, you have

That's what I was looking for, thanks.

> the option of using firewire debugging :) I pushed a working xmon over
> firewire to my 2.6 tree, though to use it, you'd have to hack ordering
> so that OHCI gets loaded before rivbafb, and probably hack a delay so
> you have time to "attach" from the remote host

I'd have to have a remote host to attach in the first place. That's a
real sick idea there. I'd rather hack xmon over ethernet :-)

> > Is there a way to delay registering the backlight controller until later 
> > time
> > during boot?
> I wouldn't trust such a solution. If there is a race, you'll only "move" it
> by doing so. If for some reason, for example, we mustn't touch the card while
> doing the backlight bit for a while, then you'd rather add delays here or

mdelays didn't help, already tried that. Moving a race until after the
screen has properly initialized (fbcon taken over from initial console)
would help some, plus prove it's a race.

> there and eventually a spinlock. Maybe those accesses are fifoed or you need
> to make sure the engine is empty before doing them  ? tried without
> acceleration ? Or it's just a delay to wait for the PLL to lock properly.

I'll try to wait_for_idle first. For applying a spinlock I'd have to know
what other tasks are accessing the card :-).


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