> I cannot tell you if it's DPMS or a real sleep, but It looks like a
> MacOSX sleep..., the display is off (and it's different from the
> xscreensaver mode, it does not  stop the display when I activate the
> energy settings) and the sleep led is blinking just like MacOSX does.
> When I execute the apm command the display shows me a pink screen (the
> same one I see just before X starts) and they it stops the machine, then
> I just push the power button and I see again the ugly pink screen and
> the imac gives me my desktop without problems.
> How could I be sure it's not powering off the imac as it should with a
> "real" sleep?
Actually, I don't know ! It's interesting though.. It may mean the
nVidia chip isn't actually shut down during sleep, which contradicts
what some nVidia contacts told me...

I would need to have physical access to the HW to be able to say 
what's up for sure though...


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