
There seems to be a number of folks that are interested in making a PPC64 version of Debian a reality. As such it's time to get organized and make it happen, especially now that prices on PowerPC64 systems are coming down so mere mortals can afford them.

Thankfully this is not a huge undertaking as the goal is not to create an end to end 64 bit system. (Tho that could be done, but perhaps that's a discussion for another day)

How can you help? There are many ways!

If you have 64 bit PowerPC hardware and a hankering to do some development, fantastic!

If you have 32 bit PowerPC hardware, you can still run the ppc64 x-compiler so while you can't test your binary, you most certainly can still build programs.

Even if you don't have hardware or a burning desire, certainly all projects need folks who are willing to write web pages, document and so on and so forth.

I've setup #debianppc64 on for ongoing live discussion. Martin has suggested we continue to use this mailing list for now. (Always good to following the desires of the project leader!)

I hope you'll agree this is a worthwhile endeavor and with your support, debian support for PowerPC64 processors can be enjoyed by all. (Or at least those with or soon to have hardware ;-)



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