On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 the mental interface of 
gm c told:

> I have debian on powerbook g3 pismo with woody. I want to try a
> 2.6 kernel. I downloaded it. When I run make vmlinux I get error
> that binutils needs to be greater than 2.12.1, but when I dpkg -l
> binutils I get version 2.12.90- . Seems to me it should work??

Check Documentaion/Changes
$ ld -v
GNU ld version 20031029 Debian GNU/Linux

> For the packet people---what 2.6 kernel and patch (needed?)  is
> available.

You need at least module-init-tools which is nit available in woody.



  Do you smell something burning or ist it me?

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