On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 16:46:43 +0100

> > My problem is  to get the right keyboard config. In fact, I can't have
> > 
> > some keys such as "tilde" or "pipe" ... I noticed that when I'm not 
> > using the xserver but the consol I just have to type "loadkeys 
> > mac-fr-ext " to get the right keykoard. Then I can get for eg the 
> > "tilde" like in original mac french keyboard : option + n or the pipe
> > : shift + option + L. But when I run an x session these keys no longer
> > 
> > work.
> You check this page out:
> http://www.linux-france.org/macintosh/clavier_rpm3.html
> and download ftp://ftp.linux-france.org/pub/macintosh/kbd-mac-fr.tar.gz


I think these previous pages provide rather old information and, when I
installed my powerbook, I read them but found more interesting information
on Debian's site. The problem partly stands with Keycodes sending between
Testing and Stable AFAIK. Before using correct keycodes, I was not able to
get these characters.

You'd better have a look at :


Before applying any modifications such as the ones I suggest, you'd really
better read this page as something has to be checked inside the kernel. As
you can get normal keys (a give a, b give b, ...) then you probably have a
satisfying configuration.

Kernel part :

check (make xconfig) that the configuration is as follows:

Macintosh device drivers:

Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) support : yes
Use input layer for ADB devices : yes
Support for ADB raw keycodes : no

If your kernel config is this one, you should have nothing to modify into
your running kernel.

Then you should add :


to /etc/yaboot.conf inside the relevant boot entry.

(As far as I am concerned, I have : 

append="hda=ide-scsi keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1"

just to say that options should be separated by spaces). Do not forget to
run ybin after the modification.

Your /etc/X11/XF86-Config-4 file should then contain (better do it with
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86):

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
    Driver      "keyboard"
    Option      "CoreKeyboard"
    Option      "XkbRules"  "xfree86"
    Option      "XkbModel"  "macintosh"
    Option      "XkbLayout" "fr"

Actually, this is probably the main problem for you (the relationship
between keycodes and fr vs. fr_new in XFree86-Config file).

Then everything should work fine. You should be able to get characters as
you use to under MacOS X. As a matter of fact, I did not even know how to
do that as I come from the PC world. There is a text file that provides
this information but I can't figure out where I found it (if anyone knows,
please tell it). Anyway, it seems you know it so no pb.

Yours sincerely.
Et bon courage.

  Olivier Crouzet
  acoustique, acquisition, interprétation - JE 2220
  Université de Nantes
  Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - BP 81227
  44036 Nantes cedex 3

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