hello rick...

* Rick Buitenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-26 15:54 +0100]:
> Several Gentoo ppc users (including myself) are reporting the problem of
> suddenly only being able to mount their hfs+ partitions read-only.
> dmesg says:
> HFS+-fs warning: Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, running
> fsck.hfsplus is recommended. leaving read-only
> A little googling tells me this problem is not unique to one single
> distribution:
> http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2004-January/msg00711.html
> http://jodok.muellers.ms/linuxppc/
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=119954
> http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.development.system/2003-11/0019.html
> fsck.hfsplus doesn't seem to exist in any distribution (?)
> Remounting only seems to work in some cases.
> Fixing the partition from OSX doesn't solve the problem.
> The partition remains writable under OSX directly and via MOL.
> In some cases the problem simply disappears for no apparent reason.

well, i have exactly the same problem. but i found a work around for
mount the hfs+ partition via hpmount from the package hfsplus (
this by itself does not mount the partition at all, but stops with an
error message (v1.0.4). though something is done with that partition,
because afterwards, i can mount it for writing again in the regular way
with "mount -t hfsplus" (recent benh-2.6 kernel).

::: .O.
::: ..O
::: OOO
::: lynx -source http://www.kodeaffe.de/shensche.pub | gpg --import

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