On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 05:52:56PM +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> This has probably been covered hundreds of times -- sorry!
> I'm used to the install process Branden outlines on his page, using
> yaboot. However the latest install shows something like this:
> ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/installer-powerpc/beta3/images/powerpc/netboot
>     initrd.gz   1512 KB     03/26/04    19:18:00
>     vmlinux     4467 KB     03/24/04    18:44:00
> No yaboot!
> I'd be grateful for a pointer.

Use the daily builds of the cdrom target, should work better for you.


Sven Luther

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