> They are actually very very close.  In fact, you can actually use 
> symlinks to fool OOo to accept the IBM JDK and then go ahead and use 
> it.
> Once I reboot into PPC Linux I will dig up what symlinks I added and 
> send them to you and you can use them temporarily until I get the 
> source changes in the OOo tree.

Is this needed for the build or can it be built and JDK added later ?

Actually, my question is simpler: I use debian, I have debian sid version
of OpenOffice. I have the IBM JDK in /usr/local, can I setup that OOo to
use that JDK or was it built in such a way that no JDK can be used ?

(BTW. What kind of functionality Java brings to OOo that you don't have
in the first place ?)


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