On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:47:18PM +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> Hi,
> Following Sven's advice I'm trying to install using the latest and
> greatest netinst installer from the daily builds. I'm installing on an
> 800Mhz G3 iBook. Everything goes fairly smoothly during the install,
> although one has to ^C various things during the process to get back to
> the main installer menu. (I've got a few notes if anyone wants them.)
> I've installed 3 times and have experienced the same problem each time.
> Yaboot cannot see the vmlinux link to the installed kernel. My partition
> table is like this:
>     #9  bootstrap
>     #10 /boot
>     #11 swap
>     #12 /
> vmlinux is on 12, pointing to the powerpc image on 10. yaboot.conf seems
> fine, but when I tried to run ybin from /target I wasn't clever enough
> to work out all the paths etc.
> The error from yaboot 1.3.11:
> PROTECTED]:12,/vmlinux: No such file or directory
> Installer info:
> Sarge - Official NetInst Snapshot powerpic Binary-1 (20040330)

Please fill a bug against the yaboot-installer package.


Sven Luther

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