Le Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 19:30:35 -0700, gm c a écrit:
> thank you--
> I  installed tk8.4 and got wish. I now can use xconfig for 2.4.25.
> I cannot config a 2.6.5. I have libncurses5-dev installed and still
> get a error that ncurses is not installed. 
> What qt and gtk needs to be inatalled for xconfig and gconfig? there
> are a lot of qts and gtks.

try with just apt-get install libncurses-dev, that should take care of
the that, as to the qt and gtk stuff, you just need -dev stuff, and
nothing fancy either; when i do a search for libgtk2 dev i get:

(amongst others)
libgtk2.0-dev - Development files for the GTK+ library

same for the qt stuff, search for foo dev with apt-cache search, and
you'll find foo development packages. so, search for qt dev, and you
find all the qt dev packages.

> mike

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