It was not meant to be a thread , but I was simply responding to Derrik
Pates regarding the need to observe netiquette (a golden rule of which as I
understood it is not to capitalise words which is tantamount to shouting),
but as this "thread" is rapidly degenerating into a farce (thanks to Sean
Schertell and S. Keeling) an end must be put to it.  If the e-mail from
Boulou was "useless", the list abounds with scores of such useless postings
- including, of course, the current one from your humble servant - received
almost on a daily basis.  Here is an example that I came across today (so
does [EMAIL PROTECTED] get a mouthful from Mr Pye?):

To: <>
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:07 pm
Subject: reboot required
Resent-Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:24 pm

how do i get rid of it

With that, I regard this topic - as far as I am concerned - as closed.  God

-- Ashesh Kumar Datta (aka Adolf Hitler?  he must be turning in his grave!)

on 21/4/04 12:52 am, David Pye at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> <snip>
> I avoided the temptation to apply to your obvious troll, the first time I saw
> it, but seeing as this has turned into a thread, I have more motivation to
> respond, if just to try to put the matter to sleep.
>> Absolutely, but the reason for my "diatribe" was the tone of admonition in
>> Mr Pye's note.  Netiquette is if you can provide help, do so, otherwise
>> stay quiet and do not use capital letters to pile on the advice seeker's
>> agony.
> Fortunately, I do not have to listen to anybody else's wonderful suggestions
> as to how to respond to posters.
> Seeing as you could offer neither help, nor any kind of advice, even if
> harshly worded request to use English, and demonstrate some kind of
> intelligent thought in phrasing the question, to the original poster, surely
> your post is more redundant than mine?
>> Here is what David Pye wrote:
>>> c) Even ignoring a and b, you have given insufficient information for
>>> anyone to even ATTEMPT to guess what your problem might be.
>> If someone has "given insufficient information" for the problem to be
>> diagnosed, you could - if you have an idea - indicate what further
>> information is required.  If you have no clue, do not admonish, someone
>> else might be able to provide help.  If information is insufficient "for
>> anyone to even ATTEMPT to guess what [the advice seeker's] problem might
>> be", the poor mug will get no response at all from anybody!  I understand
>> no French myself, so I could not have provided help on this occasion even
>> in the unlikely case I knew the solution.
> Unlike you, I am more than able to understand what the poster said, and the
> general uselessness of his question is what actually irritated me, *FAR* more
> than that it was in French. Had it been a well-written post in French, I
> might even have decided to reply to it, rather than point out the posters'
> lack of netiquette.
> If more information was needed, then again, some suggestions might have been
> offered. But for someone to be deluded enough to think that "My network
> doesn't work. Can anyone advise?" is sufficient information, then they
> deserve what was, based upon net tradition, a fairly mild admonishment ;)
>> I am a sole Apple Mac user and it is a debian-powerPC list, and even
>> Debian on a Wintel machine is not relevant to me or to this list, and
>> neither Iraq nor Anglo-American colonial pursuits can even remotely be
>> construed to have a relevance here, but I suspect Mr David Pye's wrath was
>> about the use of the French language, and wrath has no place in this list
>> either.  If the language used in a particular posting is inappropriate, it
>> is for the custodians of the list to take it up with the poster.
> I dont have any dislike of French - I suspect your paranoia is caused by some
> other reason, which I have no intention to delve into here.   It appears
> obvious to me by your distinctly odd and politically charged reply that you
> lack familiarity with the internet mailing lists, and their general standard
> of discussion, or debate.
> I speak reasonable French, and have no dislike of it whatsoever, and in this
> case, you are better off keeping your mistaken 'suspicions' of people's
> intentions to yourself. Rather than flagging up my suspected prejudice, you
> have rather more revealed your own.
>> -- Ashesh Kumar Datta
> Anyway, as a suggestion I spotted in a previous post pointed out:
> Adolf Hitler
> Nazism
> Godwin's law.
> Seeing as this discourse moves in no direction towards Debian PPC greatness,
> let's leave it to rest.
> David

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