since jesterday I am trying to install debian on my powerbook g4 (the
new 1 with 1.33GHz)
so I have download the iso file from debian.org for powerpc and have
burn it, but I just cannot boot from the CD.
I have find some tutorials online where it says I need to copy the
root.bin, linux.bin, yaboot and yaboot.conf to my root directory and
boot from the open firmaware as: boot hd:3,yaboot and this is
working well, I boot the kernel and I can set everything fine till the
part where I need to make a linux partition! There I got the message,
that there is no harddrive attached on this computer.
I have also try in the console mac-fdisk -l and it shows me just the
ramDrive and the cdrom.
I have 10Gigs free space on my harddrive wich I want to use for linux,
but how can I make a patiton when he cannot find my harddrive?!
so what can I do now?