On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:44:40AM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Christoph Hellwig writes:
> > btw, do we really need the power3 vs power4 split?  I know the ppc64
> > folks only need split kernels for iseries vs pseries and g5,
> I thought PPC_ISERIES and PPC_PSERIES were the ppc64 equivalent of

Nope, the iseries are the boxes previously named as/400, if i remember
well, and are not supported by ppc32.

Furthermore the pseries have a further power4 optimization option which
makes the kernel not run on power3, so i guess we will still want to
ship two flavours on them.

Basically it would go as follows :

  powerpc -> ppc32 version for 601 to g4.
  pserie -> generic pserie
  pserie-power4 -> power4 optimized pserie
  g5 -> same as above, but pmac g5 stuff
  iserie -> iserie kernel

And naturally a smp and up version of those, except maybe for the
iserie, i don't think there is a UP version of this one.


Sven Luther

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