I have downloaded the ppc iso today.

So far I can report that the disk fails to boot the following devices
New World G3 Pismo Powerbook
New World G3 Imac
Old World 9600 ppc

The disk appear as a valid HFS standard disk on a MacOS desktop however
I can't provide any more info about the boot failures :(


On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 09:23, Robert Jordens wrote:
> Hello!
> John Goerzen and I have made Debian From Scratch (DFS) available for
> PowerPC machines. You would do us a big favour if you could test this
> first image and give suggestions. I only have my Powerbook G4 Alu 
> available as victim.
> Primary Location: <http://people.debian.org/~jgoerzen/dfs/>
> Temparary for PowerPC: <http://people.debian.org/~jordens/dfs/>
> md5sum:
> a8ed36bd6a06c411917df87404384de7  dfs-0.6.4.rj3_powerpc.iso (357M)
> It follows a general (still i386/amd64/alpha centric) description of
> DFS.
>         Robert.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Basic Features of DFS
>    Welcome to Debian From Scratch (DFS). DFS is really two
>    systems: 1) a bootable CD for repairing Linux systems or
>    installing Debian; and 2) the program that generates the CDs
>    that are used for #1. Most of this manual focuses on #1. A
>    wide variety of DFS CDs can be made using the DFS build tools.
>    This manual will refer to CDs made using the default
>    configuration.
>      _________________________________________________________
> 1.1. DFS Features
>    You can expect the following from your DFS CD:
>      * Bootable CD featuring the GNU Grub bootloader. Can be used
>        to boot hard disk partitions even if no hard disk
>        bootloader is present.
>      * Kernel and userland support for all major filesystems,
>        including ext2, ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS, FAT, VFAT, NTFS,
>        ISO9660, CramFS, tmpfs, and more. Userland support for
>        Reiser4.
>      * Kernel and userland support for different disk layout
>        schemes including standard partitioning, Logical Volume
>        Manager 2 (LVM2), software RAID, etc.
>      * Full recovery tools runnable directly from CD, including:
>           + Filesystem utilities for all mazjor filesystems,
>             including undeletion tools for ext2
>           + Partition editors (fdisk, cfdisk, parted)
>           + Text editors (nano, joe, vim, emacs)
>           + C, Perl, Python, and OCaml development environments.
>             Enough to configure and compile a new kernel and
>             build basic .debs. Kernel 2.6.6 sources included on
>             CD.
>           + Full networking support, including PPP and various
>             Ethernet cards and DHCP
>           + Network tools including FTP clients, Web client, ssh,
>             telnet, NFS, smbclient, tcpdump, netcat, etc.
>           + Backup restoration tools such as rdiff-backup,
>             dump/restore, tar, cpio, amanda client, afbackup
>             client, etc.
>           + CD and DVD burning tools
>           + Basic printing tools (cat for local printers, rlpr
>             for remote ones, and netcat for Jetdirect, plus
>             unix2dos for text files and Ghostscript for emergency
>             conversions)
>           + Mail reader (mutt)
>      * Base systems for multiple versions of Debian installable
>        directly from CD, including: woody (i386), sarge (i386),
>        sid (i386), and sid (amd64). Alpha CD can install woody,
>        sarge, or sid for Alpha.
>      * amd64 support: Enough to install or fix an AMD64 system.
>        Includes 64-bit kernel with 32-bit emulation (to run the
>        32-bit userland on the CD). Also includes 64-bit package
>        for bootstrapping a new AMD64 support. In short, you can
>        boot a 64-bit kernel and be treated as a first-class
>        citizen in almost all respects.
>      * i386 or x86_64 (amd64) kernels bootable directly from
>        initial boot menu.
>      * DFS generation scripts support custom kernels, packages,
>        mirrors, compressed ISO images, and a high degree of
>        flexibility.

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