Hi.. I have a PB G4 1.33GHz 12" with a Debian 2.6.6 kernel (w/ Debian patches that I compiled). I've been experiencing some weird problems after upgrading my RAM to 768 from 256MB. I used a module from owc.com that met the Apple specifications. The problems: when the daily cron job updatedb was running, the machine turned off all of a sudden. I then had to start the machine using the start button. When it restarted, the date was all wrong so I looked at syslog and this is what I see:

Jun 10 06:25:01 varianceii /USR/SBIN/CRON[4379]: (root) CMD (test -e /usr/sbin/a
nacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily)
Dec 31 17:04:33 varianceii syslogd 1.4.1#10: restart.

So I tried replicating it by running updatedb after it rebooted and I got a message from the sound server saying "cpu overload". Earlier, I had a situation where the machine just hung while it was trying to start some program. I had to do a hard reboot. Also, some of my programs such as mozilla do not work as they used to - it crashes every 15 mins now. Another strange behavior that just started recently - the wireless USB receiver (Dlink DWL-122) turns off once in a while and I need to disconnect it manually and then put it back and run the linux-wlan-ng script again to get it to work. Has anyone had similar experiences before? I'm not able to figure out if this is a hardware issue or something to do with 2.6.6 not being able to handle the higher memory well enough. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or tests that I can run to determine the cause. I'm thinking I'll do some stuff on OS X and see if anything similar happens there...


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