
We try to install Debian 3.0.2 on a macOSX. To prevent problems on the main hard drive, we would like to install Debian on a second one. It's an IBM DHEA-36481 of 6,4 Go. We had formated it and create two partitions on it : one for exchange datas and the other to install debian. And we put it in master (cāble select (16 logical head)). In order to reconize the second hard drive, we tape : install24 hda=12592,16,63 idebus=66 at the begin of the installation.

But the problem is that it can't see the two partitions when we want create partitions with mac-fdisk. We have those two messages : Can't read block 0 from file (Input/output error) and no partition map exists. And we have error messages when we type : dmesg :

Partition Check:
hda: hda: status error: status=0x2 {DeviceFault}
hda: drive not ready for command
ide0: reset: master: error(0x0a?)
end_request: dev 03:00 (hda): sector 0

Have you any idea of the problem? Does it come from the ISO image of Debian (Debian/PowerPC_woody)?
If you need more informations...

Thanks in advance,


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