On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 02:34:33AM -0700, Eric D. Hedekar wrote:
> I am attempting to run Debian (either woody or sarge) on an old Umax S900
> (mac clone equivalent to about a 9600).  My problem lies in the graphics
> card.  It is an old ix Micro TwinTurbo 2mb card that Linux kernels don't
> support or so I've been told.  I was able to find a few websites that
> mentioned altered kernels or drivers and source code but some of it was for
> old kernels (2.1.4) and it's all way over my head.  Really I'm just a linux
> newbie that wants to get some audio software that I've heard of running.
> Can anyone give me a hand in some really easy to understand language (or
> possibly do some source code compiling for me?).  Thanks.


 The IMS Twin Turbo is a PCI-based frame buffer card bundled with
 many Macintosh and compatible computers.

Is this the one ? If yes, it is built in into the 2.4.25 kernel debian
chips, and should provide you a working fbdev console.


Sven Luther

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