On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 02:09, Ric Otte wrote:

> I have successfully installed Debian on my 15" titanium powerbook, and
> almost everything is working fine (X, ext mouse, ext keyboard).  I do
> have a couple of questions.
> 1.  Does anyone know how to get an external monitor working with this?
> I'd eventually like to be able to close the lid and use the external
> mouse, keyboard, and monitor (through the dvi port).  I have a samsung
> lcd that has dvi input, but I can't get it to work.  My goal is to get
> it to work at 1600x1200.
> 2.  I have an Asante AeroLan XG FriendlyNET Wireless CardBus Adapter,
> but am unable to get it working.  I don't seem to see it when I type
> 'lspci'.  If anyone knows any way to get this working, I'd appreciate
> it; I installed wireless-tools and pciutils.
> Any help would be appreciated.  I'm using kernel 2.6.5-rc3-ben0.
I use my iBook2 as my office workstation: USB Mouse, Keyboard and
external VGA monitor. Setting this up was quite easy.

In order to use the ext. VGA monitor I just need to reboot my iBook with
the VGA cable plugged in and the iBook closed (iBook monitor closed) and
no pmud running for standby reasons.

Some pics of this kind of configuration are available here:

> Ric


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