On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 06:37:27PM +1000, Ross Vumbaca wrote:
> Hi,
> Sven Luther wrote:
> >Bah, that means that the A1 people will again do their own hack for debian
> >support probably. Ah well, i don't really care. 
> There is no "A1 people". There is just myself, Ken, and Turbo who own 
> AmigaOnes, AFAIK. Everyone else who ever did anything to do with Linux 
> on the A1, no longer does it.

So, please avoid the errors of your forgoers, and contribute those changes
back to debian, even if it really is too late for sarge.

> MAI does seem to do Linux stuff in-house, but since they are not 
> particularly communicative and do not appear to be interested in Debian 
> or in sharing their stuff, I wouldn't put much stock in it..


> Btw, my quick and dirty port of the Debian Woody installer to the 
> AmigaOne was a hack, but I did do it AGES ago, when there was nothing on 
> the AmigaOne (except an old version of SuSe), and the only kernel we had 
> was the quick and dirty 2.4.19. I didn't get paid to do that work, and I 
> didn't get any free hardware to do it either (unlike some people), so 
> give me a break.

Ah, i understand and am not blaming you. But anyway, i told here numerous
times what would be the proper way to have your stuff integrated in debian,
and nothing ever happened that way.


Sven Luther

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