On Di, 2004-08-24 at 16:12 -0400, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> | Problems I have:
> | * no working console on local login: "respawning too fast issue"

> I saw this issue on a couple machines (x86) while I was tinkering with
> them.  It was a little bit frustrating for me because the problem ws
> "intermittent".  I eventually figured it out.  Sometimes on that
> little 486 I would disable devfsd (this was before udev was available)
> because cups would take forever to start because devfsd would fork an
> excessive number of modprobe processes.  Then I couldn't get a local
> login because /dev/tty1 (etc.) didn't exist.  When devfsd was running,
> however, /dev/tty1 was a symlink to /dev/vc/1 and getty would open the
> console.  Could this be the cause of your problem?  Make sure the
> device specified in /etc/inittab exists.
> For example, this line tells getty to use /dev/tty1
>     1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 -f /etc/issue.linuxlogo
> Likewise, this line says to use /dev/vc/1
>     1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 vc/1 -f /etc/issue.linuxlogo
> (you probably won't have the '-f /etc/issue.linuxlogo' in your
> inittab)

Thx a lot for this answer. It got me thinking - could it help to add
lines like:
L tty1  /dev/vc/1
L tty2  /dev/vc/2
L tty3  /dev/vc/3
L tty4  /dev/vc/4
L tty5  /dev/vc/5
L tty6  /dev/vc/6
to the /etc/udev/links.conf? Or would I break my system that way? Not
having that wonderfull feature of a non-x-login is getting me a little
nervous everytime I update anything. ;)

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