On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:19:29 +0200
Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > > First off, I can't mount my cdrom:
> > > > 
> > > > :~$ mount /cdrom/
> > > > mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> Could you fill a bug report against hotplug/discover or both about this ?

I don't have discover installed. Is there a need to have it installed, or is it
just hotplug's "competitor?" I will do a bug report when if I don't need

> > > > Second, on boot up dhclient tries eth0 and errors out.  But when I
> > > > manually run dhclient as super-user, it uses eth1.  Why doesn't this
> > > > happen at boot, and how can I get this fixed?
> > > 
> > > This is due to the order in which hotplug/discover load the modules.
> Please fill a bug report against hotplug.

Uh, this is very close to bug report #248433, the user was using kernel 2.6.5,
and they told him not to hold his breath:


Is this in any way different from that?

> > > Can you try the stock 2.6.7 and tell us if the battery problem also
> > > happens there ? 
> > 
> > The stock 2.6.7 didn't work, but I added apm_emu to /etc/modules, as Matijs
> > van Zuijlen and you directed me to and it comes up at boot now.
> Could you try 2.6.8 and fill a bug report against hotplug/discover ? I don't
> really know which one is in charge, maybe you should fill the bug report at
> kernel and let us triage it correctly.

I want to be clear on this, you want me to file a bug report against both the
kernel (2.6.8) and hotplug?


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