On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 02:03:23AM -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Rick_Thomas wrote:
> > Well... on the beige G3, I booted into Open Firmware with the
> > "ofonlyboot" floppy in the drive.  The G3 comes up with console
> > input/output being keyboard/screen.  From another Mac running MacOS-9, I
> > connected with MacKermit to the G3's modem port (which is normally
> > "/dev/ttyS0" under Linux)
> > 
> > At the G3's console, I typed "boot console=ttyS0<return>".  The floppy
> > drive made reading noises, and the "tuxMac" icon appeared on the G3's
> > screen.  Nothing happened at this point on the Kermit serial port --
> > there was no response when I type things at it over the serial port.
> > 
> > After a while the floppy stopped making noises and a red "X" appeared
> > over the tuxMac icon.  Still no messages on the serial port, but now it
> > at least will echo what I type at it.  No response other than echos,
> > though.  It seems that I'm not talking to a live kernel.
> > 
> > Does any one have a clue what the red "X" means?
> > 
> > It appears that the "console=ttyS0" option is being noticed (at least
> > that's how I interpret the fact that it switched from no-echo to echo at
> > the point where the red "X" appeared...)  So I could put other boot-time
> > options there as well.  Is there a "verbose" option I can try?
> 1) Reading man pages for "bootparam" seems to indicate that there is a 
> "debug" boot parameter that turns on more verbose logging to the console.  
> Unfortunately, when I tried it with the 2.6 boot floppy, there was no change 
> from the above described behavior.
> 2) For comparison purposes, I tried the same thing with the 2.4 
> "powerpc-small" boot floppy.  (the 2.4 root floppy is hosed, so I didn't 
> expect to get very far, but...)
> I booted the G3 into Open Firmware while listening to the modem serial port 
> on another machine -- as described above.  On the G3's console, I typed "boot 
> debug console=ttyS0<return>".  I was rewarded by a tuxmac icon and floppy 
> reading noises.  When the noises stopped, the kernel boot messages appeared 
> on the G3's console screen, but nothing appered at the remote terminal 
> watching the serial port.
> So I'm no longer so sure as I once was that the parameters after "boot" in 
> Open Firmware are getting passed to the kernel.  Is it possible to modify the 
> boot-parameters that are compiled into the kernel?  For example, the 
> "ofonlyboot" kernel differs from the "boot" kernel only in that there is a 
> string "video=ofonly" in the former, but not in the latter.  How does that 
> get there?  Maybe the same mechanism could be used to give it the "debug" and 
> "console=ttyS0" options...

Since you don't feel like having time for building the boot floppies with
those options yourself, which i understand altough it would be practical, i
can build you floppies with the command line options you specify to me.


Sven LUther

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