On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 04:08:06PM +0200, Martin Geier wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 11:32:30PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 10:25:46PM +0200, Martin Geier wrote:
> > > On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 12:35:12PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > > On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 09:13:32PM +0200, Martin Geier wrote:
> [snip]   
> > > Are the debian-installer-floppies using kernel 2.6? Shall I try out
> > There is both the powerpc-small/floppy ones, which are based on 2.4, and the
> > powerpc/floppy which are based on 2.6.
> So it seems that only the 2.4-based are running...

notice that powerpc-small/floppy has been moved to powerpc/floppy-2.4

> > > 2.6 on woody (mh, i would have to upgrade a lot of things...). Then I
> > > could verify if the fbdev works...
> > That would be great.
> Could you please send me the .config of the powerpc-small/floppy-kernel?
> Then I'll build an "equal" kernel and look what happens.

It is the one in the powerpc-small debian package, just get it from it.
(/boot/config-2.4.25-powerpc-small after install).

> > > > > ./2004-08-22/powerpc-small/floppy/ofonlyboot.img: Smiling-Mac-icon,
> > > > > then
> > > > > the Mac-tux-icon and floppy-activity. Sometimes the screen gets
> > > > > black except
> > > > > the tux in the middle, which now has (I think) inverted colors.
> > > > > Finally
> > > > > the floppy comes out. Inserting the root-floppy and pressing enter
> > > > > initiates again floppy-activity, but I can't see anything :(
> > > > This seems to work, but you don't have fbdev console. Can you try
> > > > setting up a
> > > > serial console to understand what is happening ?
> > > Mm, i'll try that. Is the kernel configured to  print its console to the 
> > > serial
> > > console? [also see below] Or do you expect an OF error message?
> > I don't really know, my experience with oldworld is exclusively second hand.
> > you would have to give the console=ttyS1,9200 or whatever is the 
> > speed/serial
> > console for your hardware. The right driver is builtin for this to work
> > without problem.
> Hmm, I don't now how to supply kernel parameters when booting from
> floppy on ppc. There is nothing like a commandline. Can you specify
> kernel parameters when building the floppy-images?

It has to be specified while building the miboot floppies.

> Is the any possibility to reach the debian-installer via network?

It should be, but i don't know the details.

> > > Do you know what a red-cross means? Something like "error while
> > > decompressing"?
> > Really, no idea. I have never seen miboot working first hand.
> The new floppies are using miboot? Do you know what the old ones used?

All the working ones are using miboot, there was one time when miboot was not
included, but those were broken and never worked.

> Another idea: Is it possible to start the new debian installer from a running
> woody-system?



Sven Luther

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