Nor would a self-compiled custom 2.6.6 stock Debian source!

I've been tracking testing with Ethan Benson's stable-ish 2.4.18-newpmac for
several months now and discovered quite early on that any version of yaboot
newer than the proposed-update version, (I can't access the actual version
number at the moment), would report that my kernel is too old for
proper support and that Open Firmware may not not detect my boot device
correctly.  Sure enough, this was the case, so I pinned yaboot at the
proposed update version and was able to run ybin as often as I liked to
add and remove image labels without any problems whatsoever. That was
with stock 2.4 kernels.  I have since decided to upgrade to 2.6.6 or 2.6.8
and have had NO JOY booting up with either. I thought perhaps it might be
because of my old version of yaboot but I have upgraded it, run ybin,
received the same warning message as before and continued to be unable to
boot 2.6 kernels per se.

This is quite a disapointment really :-( as is the lack of suggestions as to
what to do! :-/

Anyone any ideas at all?  Could it be that my Open Firmware version is too
old?  I understand it is upgraded with OSX upgrades, I am still running Jaguar
(10.2.2).  I have version 4.3.3f2 flash-upgradeable BootROM (built 21st Dec 01)
and OpenFirmware version 3.

Could it be that the newer yaboot needs to be run _by_ a newer kernel, before
a newer kernel can be run at boot-time?  Now there's a catch-22 situation if
ever I heard of one?


A follow up will suffice.
However, if need be ...

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