On (07/11/04 21:27), Clive Menzies wrote:
> On (07/11/04 20:32), Cristo Saulo Bolaņos Trujillo wrote:
> > Clive Menzies wrote:
> > 
> > >Hi
> > >
> > >This is something that's been bugging me ever since I started running
> > >Debian on my G4.  I can't seem to find a way of producing # from the
> > >keyboard (I end up having to cut and paste from elsewhere).
> > >
> > >Googling produced some info for G4 powerbooks which didn't seem appropriate
> > >for this PowerMac G4 AGP Graphics machine.  I tried to find info on
> > >mapping a specific key (= on the number pad doesn't seem to do anything
> > >and so I thought I'd use that) but without success.
> > >
> > >I'm running sid 2.6.8-powerpc-smp
> > >
> > >TIA
> > >
> > >Clive
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> >   Uh... fn+alt+3
> Hmm... I don't have an "fn" key just F1 to F15?
Aah! but thank you .... the "apple" key to the right of the spacebar
seems to act as "fn".

I'm v. happy now ;)



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