On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 03:24:51PM +0100, Pablo Gil wrote:
> I've typed killall esd as root and there was no process called that way. 
> Does the daemon have other name?
> I've also switched to the ALSA plugin and still doesn't work...
> The possible errors are:
> 1-Wrong plugin
> 2- Sound card blocked
> 3- Sound card  wrongly configured
> I think it only can be 2 but if there is no esd, who is using it?

To figure out who is using it, try this:
lsof | egrep "snd|dsp"

Also, have a look at the files in /proc/asound. The cards and devices
files should be interesting. devices should have entries for ctl,
playback, capture and timer.

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