On (01/12/04 19:21), Clive Menzies wrote:
> Hi
> I first raised this last January incidental to a problem I was having
> playing CDs (resolved).
> It only happens occasionally, persists through a number of reboots and
> then strangely dissappears.  I upgrade almost daily and it may be
> related to conflicts in the upgraded system that eventually are
> resolved.
> It doesn't bug me unduly (at least not as much as my partner in the same
> room) but in the pursuit of enlightenment, I would be grateful for some
> pointers on diagnosis and possible resolution.
> I'm using OSS 1.2.10 sound driver and xmms 1.2.10-1.3 primarily (xine
> occasionally); I have the usual kernel modules:
> soundcore
> dmasound_core
> dmasound_pmac
Removing dmasound_pmac did the trick ;) .... no more whistle.



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