"Sven" == Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sven> Well, we don't care, since the daily built are on
    Sven> people.debian.org (gluck).

I learned that too late to help, but now I know!

    >> The machine is running from my previous hacked install, but I
    >> really want to try out the new installer. I'll certainly submit
    >> an installation report when I'm done.

    Sven> Ok, please do it.

It seems that the d-i daily build uses the latest d-i kernel from sid,
but the kernel that it actually installs is from sarge! So my system
fails at the reboot stage since the new kernel is not on the d-i
image!!!  Sort of took the grins off my face :-)

I worked around this by apt-getting the kernel from sid before the
reboot step, and then it all went pretty good (except for LVM, see

I'll do the installation report when the new kernel makes it into the
d-i build. No point in reporting a difficult install for a problem I
know will be fixed shortly.

Also, I could not get the LVM stuff to work with the menu interface. I
need to get that figured out, but that is a different thread and/or
bug report (seems to be like #260763).


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