On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 00:43 +0100, Nicolas Lebas wrote:
> Thank you everybody,
> i download the iso image of the linux rescue and burn it...
> And so i could look at my yaboot.conf ; finaly the kernel-image package 
> i installed didn't create the symbolic link "initrd.img", and so i 
> create it and now it's ok...

I had the same problem when I updated with the new 2.6.9 kernel in
unstable about 3 weeks ago. I've updated kernels in the past with no
problem, but this time the initrd.img did not get made. I had to rename
everything and reinstall without formatting because I couldn't figure it
out. I saved the /etc/kernel-img.conf file and see it somehow got
changed to link_in_boot = no. Don't know how that happened.

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