Shyamal Prasad wrote:
After you install kernel-patch-debianlogo and kernel-patch-powerpc you
don't have to run the patch command manually. You just run make-kpkg
and it will apply it for you. Is that what you were doing?

I tried that and it failed, but I wasn't following the same document. I'll give it another shot.

Is there a reason you need to compile a kernel (other than that you
just want to do it)? The precompiled kernels are actually really

Oh, isn't that a can of worms.

All I really want to do is plug in this MN-510 wireless adapter I bought that linux-wlan-ng is supposed to support. But to do that I need to compile the driver module for it. But that won't work unless I have "properly configured" kernel source in /usr/source/linux (why the @$^? that is I don't know, nor do I know why it won't just *&^%#$ accept kernel-headers or kernel-build linked there instead). Apparently the only form of "properly configured" source it will accept is source that's been used to actually build a kernel.

I picked the iMac up cheap because I figured it would be a nice little terminal to try out Debian on before playing around with it on the big hardware, but I am completely and utterly disenchanted with both Debian and Linux by this point (I used to be a senior grade Windows network admin). I know Debian/Linux works very well for the most part, but the Debian CDs are going in the microwave for recycling as coasters if I can't find documentation for commonplace tasks like compiling kernel modules (or kernels) that is actually correct, complete, and comprehensible.


As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so I became a scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls.
~ M. Cartmill

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