> Too late. Face it, if we are going to rebuild with a NPTL glibc and gcc 3.4,
> we may not release sarge this year, at least not earlier than sarge+1 aka etch
> would be released, so what do we gain with this ? 
> > 4.0 is still not ready to be used by anything but gcc hackers imho :)
> now. but i bet you will say differently shortly before the sarge release.
> Like said, it is more important to get sarge out by now, there are enough
> improvements over woody to make it worth it, and we are aiming for faster
> release cycles in the future, or people will just run testing/unstable as we
> all do now anyway.

You know, the problem I have with this is that "sarge will be released
real soon now" is what i've been hearing for what ... a year ? more ? it
just seem to never happen...


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