On (21/01/05 13:50), Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> [i'm not subscribed to this list, so, please, reply also by email]
> I've got a PowerMac 8500/120, and misses the SCSI disk. This is my
> first powermac, so i've no system no another mac box to build bootable
> macos media.
> But i don't want macos, so i've started to install debian.
Hi Marco

Suggest you try the new sarge d-i rc2 - it's 'soon' to be the next
stable distribution and works pretty well.  It also has heaps more
functionality than woody.


Have fun!


> I've first tried woody, download the first ppc cd, created the boot and
> roof floppy from boot-floppy-hfs.img and root.bin files.
> Floppy boot, i can see the floppy icon, then the ``tux under mac''
> icon, then the screen goes black.
> I can imagine that boot progress: the scsi peripheral are enumerated,
> and the boot floppy are ejected so i can insert the root one.
> Looking in install manual i've seen that on:
>       http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/powerpc/ch-install-methods.en.html
> but i've not found boot-video-ofonly.img image file; googling a bit
> i've found:
>       http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2002/11/msg00212.html
> and so seems that only early revision of woody have the ``black
> screen'' bug on boot.
> But i've just download the boot-floppy-hfs.img from debian official
> mirrors and problem persist.
> So i've tried sarge, i've found boot.img and ofonlyboot.img: i've tried
> both but does not boot. Inspecting with hmount/hls seems that they are
> hfs formatted with a vmlinuz file within, but there's no system
> folder/file, so seems really not bootable.
> The sarge installing manual for this part speek about
> boot-floppy-hfs.img images, so seems they are not just updated.

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