On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 13:19 +0100, Antonio-Miguel Corbi Bellot wrote:

> > On firmware load (after ifconfig eth1 up) I get a warning about a possible
> > driver bug in bcm43xx_phy_setupg() (line 333 bcm43xx_phy.c) but the code
> > seems to carry on successfully in that case. Do you see something like
> > that as well?
> Yes, same thing here.

That's bogus. the code there is correct afaict.

> So to sum up, I can load bcm43xx, it identifies eth1 as a wireless
> device, I can assign it my essid/channel and a static ip-address, but
> can't reach my router anymore (no ping, http, ssh, telnet, etc... I
> always get a 'no route to host').

Hmm. I'll look into it. Are you associated (see dmesg)?


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