Jack Malmostoso wrote:
Terry Shannon wrote:
However, when I try to follow the instructions in the documentation from the package to setup a link from the mozilla plugins directory to the java
plugin I don't see the file name, libjavaplugin_oijc.so in the /opt
directory or any other directory, they specified?

The above web site did answer some questions on how to set up a package
from code you download.  Is this still a valid method?

There is no such plugin for PPC. If you want java functionalities in your
browser, I suggest to switch to Opera: Opera does not rely on
libjavaplugin_oijc.so but uses directly the JVM to render the applets.

See also http://www.nongnu.org/gcjwebplugin/ for a free solution.
犬 Chris Burdess
  "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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